Due to the future addition of the C-Klasse Coupe in the portfolio, Mercedes-Benz officials have decided that it's time to put the CLC-Klasse to sleep. The production process of 3-door hatch at the Brazilian plant of Juiz de Fora came to an end after 370,000 units of this model, including the C-Klasse Sportcoupe, were assembled there since 2001. The awkward-looking CLC-Klasse was a slow seller and, by seeing it, it's not hard to understand why: old technical underpinnings and powering choices, an unattractive interior with mediocre build quality, a dated exterior design with a minor refreshment due to the addition of styling elements from the W 204 C-Klasse and an overall feeling the car is far from being a true Mercedes-Benz. So, farewell to the outgoing CLC, long live the new C-Klasse Coupe!
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