In light of the Drive-o-matic 2000 release Ford will donate money to schools for the visually impaired

Since the Drive-o-matic 2000 is a revolutionary car built by Ford for the visually impaired, Ford will donate some of the profits they make from the sale of the car to schools for the visually impaired.
It will help build more schools for the visually impaired, and buy more books and have them converted into brail for the visually impaired. 

Here is a picture of a book in brail.

Here is a picture of a specialized school for the visually impaired.

Here is a picture of the alphabet in brail.

Ford is also going to set up a scholarship in the name of Ray Charles. The visually impaired  talented songwriter and pianist. The money that will be given by Ford will go to  the  young talented men and women who are visually impaired artists and musicians in America.To contribute you can contact your local Ford dealer and ask about the Ray Charles-Ford fund.

For more information on the Ray Charles-Ford Scholarship Fund log onto

or to hear more about how Ford is funding money to build more schools for the visually impaired log onto