Mercedes-Benz-Blog TRIVIA: Automobile with two wheels: on 29 August 1885 Gottlieb Daimler filed a patent for his “riding car”

“ The birth of a car as we know it today took place in 1886. Independently of one another, the two founding fathers of the company now known as Daimler AG, Carl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, invented a vehicle with internal combustion engine – Benz his three-wheeled Patent Motor Car, Daimler the four-wheeled Motor Carriage. However, the previous year, in late summer 1885, Gottlieb Daimler’s two-wheeled “riding car”, also equipped with an internal combustion engine, travelled under its own power. In the original sense of the term, therefore, it could also be considered an automobile, since the word derived from the Greek auto (“self”) and the Latin mobilis (“mobile”). Only later did the word automobile establish itself as a generic term for multi-track vehicles. ”

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